Archiwum 21 września 2003

wrz 21 2003 PRZeCZyTaJ DWa RaZy a MoZe Sie KaPNieSZ......
Komentarze: 6

The freshman child oh so shy, longingly watches the sophmore guy.
The sophmore guy head in a whirl, merrily stares at the junior girl.
The junior girl in her red sedan, badly chooses the senior man.
The senior man handsome and wild, secretly worships the freshman child.

All your life you are told the things you cannot do..
All your life they will say you're not good enough..
Or strong enough.. or talented enough.. they'll say you're the wrong height..
Or the wrong type.. to play this.. or be this.. or achieve this..
They will tell you no a thousand times.. no until every no just becomes meaningless..
All your life they will tell you no.. quite firmly and very quickly.. they will tell you no..
And you will tell them yes
-=- KuMaSZ?? -=-
xx_go$iak_xx : :