Archiwum sierpień 2003

sie 29 2003 SLoWa MoJeGo KuMPLa....
Komentarze: 3

I would never bother you
I would never promise to
I would never follow you
I would never bother you

Never speak a word again
I will crawl away for good

I will move away from here
You won't be afraid of fear

No thought was put into this
Always knew it would come to this

Things have never been so swell
I have never felt this well (alt: I have never felt so frail/I have never failed to feel/I have never felt to feel/I have never failed to fail)

Pain! (x3)
You know you're right (x3)

I'm so warm and calm inside
I no longer have to hide

Let's talk about someone else
Sterling silver begins to melt (alt: Steaming soup against her mouth/Steaming soup begins to melt)

Nothing really bothers her
She just wants to love herself

I will move away from here
You won't be afraid of fear

No thought was put into this
Always knew it would come to this

Things have never been so swell
I have never felt this well (alt: I have never felt so frail/I have never failed to feel/I have never felt to feel/I have never failed to fail)

Pain! (x5)
You know you're right (x17)

Pain ...

xx_go$iak_xx : :
sie 29 2003 *** Irresistable!!! ***
Komentarze: 2

xx_go$iak_xx : :
sie 28 2003 -*!*- SyLWia -*!*-
Komentarze: 0

i'M GoNNa WRiTe THiS iN eNGLiSH, oKeJ?? i JuSt WaNTeD 2 TeLL u DaT i'M SoRRy VeRy SoRRy!!!!!!!! i JuSt HoPe u HaVe iT iN u'R HeaRT oF HeaRTS 2 FoRGiVe Me aND MoNiKa!!!!!!!!! PLiS 4GiVe uS!!!!!!!!! i'M WRiTTiN THiS oN My SiTe 4 eVeRY1 2 See!!!!!!!! We LoVe u aNd We R VeRy SoRRy 4 SaYIN WuT We SaiD 2 uPSeT u aNd HuRT u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



xx_go$iak_xx : :
sie 28 2003 ...::: * SZKoLa* :::...
Komentarze: 2

A wienc dzisiaj z moja Mikusia bylam w naszej nowiutkiej szkolce. Bylo nawet nawet (pol spotkania przespalam lecz to jest malutki szczegul lolz) Bez pozwolenia pochodzilysmy sobie po szkolce, lolz. Puzniej policjant naz zlapal i nam kazal wyjsc lolz. Az sie zezloscilam lolz. Chcialysmy zobaczyc kort tenisowy i basen lecz nas zlapal. Ale nie mily d\facio nio widzicie lolz. Jestem happi lecz bardzo zmeczona bo wstalam o 7:00 uwiezycie w to??? Like omg 4 sure i jsut got a manicure, lolz. Nie sluchajcie mnie dostalam atak smiechu, lolz. Po tym Mikusia zaszla do mnie, bawilysmy sie zajebiscie lolz. Co nie moja BiaTCH?? Ty moja zboczona friendko, lolz. Okej misiaczki moje zostawiam bukieciki caluskow i zmykam lulu, muah, papa. Jestem zmeczona.

i LOVE u!!!!i LOVE u!!!!

xx_go$iak_xx : :
sie 26 2003 Nieee JeSTtttt Toooo PZeSLiCNeeeee????
Komentarze: 0


xx_go$iak_xx : :